Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Ok, I understand the need for homework. But it gets in the way of doodling!!

So I have drawn a little comic (not that little) about what happened one morning at school to me and my two other friends. It doesn't have Mr. Black in it unfortunately, but its still quite good, I think. And these are all rough drafts, but maybe one day after someone giving me motivation (hint hint *point* you!!) gaaaaahhhhhh I might just show you a FINAL DRAFT. How awesome is that huh?

I know I said I didn't start a blog for views, but as I also said, I'm still going to complain about people not leaving comments.

My English class at school has let me think about how FAKE I am. My best friend (i think) has helped me think about how STUPID and MEAN and INCONSIDERATE I am. My other best friend ( i also think) has helped me think about how STUPID and MEAN and INCONSIDERATE I am allowed to be, because I don't give a (sorry) FUCK. My boyfriend, yes boyfriend has helped me think about how I shouldn't waste my talent, or stuff, or something along those lines, and has shown me I have not even BEGUN to see how AWKWARD the world is allowed to be.

and math homework has shown me how little time i have.

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